New Year's Resolutions for 2020
1 min read
Never take more than one day off between exercising, meditating, reading, programming, practicing piano, eating healthy, and writing unless on vacation.
Message the person when I think of them just to check-in.
Stop pulling out my eyebrows. Let them live.
Be honest with myself and share it with others. Don't be ashamed. Tell them what is going on.
Follow the slow-carb diet 6 days a week until I have a six-pack or unless on vacation.
Take one day off per week.
No smoking.
Ask a few friends about what they think about Twos, Müse, Aware, and Parker Klein's Notes.
Post something about Parker Klein's Notes.
Work hard at work. Don't take it home.
Prioritize Twos. Onboarding, collaboration, user experience, sharing, customization.
Make it to every family gathering I can.
Be there for my friends.
No drinking.
No touching face.
Tackle the hardest problem first.
Make eye contact with people.
Share twos when I think of it.
Stop shying away from conversations that I know would help me.
Enjoy everything, especially the little things.